Wrongful Death at Los Angeles Schools

We entrust our children every day to the perceived safety of schools, where we believe they will be adequately supervised and learn something during the day.  Unfortunately, overcrowded schools and untrained teachers have contributed to the rising number of accidents which plague schools every year.  The tragic accidents or negligent actions that lead to the death of a student on school campuses or at school-sponsored events leaves a lasting impact on the school, students, and the student’s family.

Wrongful Death on School Campuses

While the media often focuses on the incidence of gun violence on school campuses each year, many student deaths occur in the sports arena.  In all of 2015, at least 19 students were killed while playing football nationwide.  The rate of participation is slowly decreasing across the nation as parents have become more aware of the inherent dangers in football.

The rate of injuries and deaths on the football field have actually decreased since the first studies were released in the 1960s.  After this point, new safety measures were implemented.  However, deaths continue to happen both on the football field, and off it, throughout school campuses nationwide.  There is no set statistic that clearly lays out the number of students killed each year in unfortunate accidents due to the varying nature of accidents which can occur at schools.  However, the fact that student deaths occur at all are a telling sign to parents who entrust their children to the school districts each day.  The failure of a school, school administrators, and the school district to protect students from harm can lead to a negligence claim for the wrongful death of a student.

Student deaths on campus can also result from hallway fights, accidents on campus, or even from campus bullying.  Student bullying has become an unfortunate topic of conversation throughout the country, as more students experience social media bullying which drives them to emotional distress.  This can tragically lead to adolescents seeking suicide as a means out.  The failure of a school or school faculty members to stop ongoing abuse can result in negligence claims against the school district.

School District Negligence

Wrongful death claims against Los Angeles schools often stem from the failure of a school district to properly train their teachers/coaches or supervise students.  Unfortunately, the rising number of deaths throughout the country on school campuses has led to more families experiencing the devastating loss of a child.  A school district may be held liable for negligence in a number of circumstances, many relating to the experience of a coach or teacher in charge of the specific activity which led to the student’s death, including situations regarding extensive bullying.

A family only needs to prove that their child’s death would not have happened but for the action (or inaction) of the school district.  Schools hold a high duty of care to protect their students every day.  The failure of a school to recognize the signs of a dangerous condition and take the necessary actions to prevent it can lead to a claim for negligence by the family of the deceased child.  A wrongful death claim may include medical expenses, funeral expenses, pain and suffering, and loss of consortium.

Los Angeles Wrongful Death Attorneys

If you have experienced the tragic loss of a child while at a school campus or participating in a school activity, you are entitled to bring a claim for your loss against the responsible school district.  The Los Angeles wrongful death attorneys of Panish | Shea | Ravipudi LLP have years of experience in assisting families with their wrongful death claims and will work closely with your family during this devastating time. While a wrongful death claim will not bring your child back, but it can hold the school district responsible and work to help move forward from this tragic time so you can focus on the happy memories. Contact our Los Angeles and Newport offices today for your initial free consultation.